About PVM
With a business campus, a shopping gallery and a bustling outdoor esplanade in the heart of Montreal, PVM is an architectural gem that has become a city symbol. It is a symbol of modernism, interactions and innovation.
It is a hub where ideas converge and multiply to take us to new heights.
“Clearly, we are dealing here [at PVM] not with an isolated enclave but with a zone of maximum exposure, an intrinsically public place, whose active participation in the mainstream of civic life is irrevocably preordained. This all-important fact has preoccupied our consciousness from first to last and lies at the root of the design in all its aspects.”
Henry Cobb
Head architect of Place Ville Marie
“This building not only enriches Montreal, but also beautifies it with a boldly designed work of art that lives up to the city’s dynamic nature.”
Jean Lesage
Quebec Premier, speaking about PVM at its inauguration on September 13, 1962.
PVM, building relations since 1962
PVM is one of the most famous and prestigious buildings in Montreal. Designed by leoh Ming Pei and Henry N. Cobb, the building has a distinct cross-shaped tower – 1 PVM – the highest tower of its kind in Canada (188 m), that defines the Montreal skyline.
Culture. Commerce. Community.
Remaining modern after 50 years, PVM is constantly evolving to exceed tomorrow’s expectations and continues to provide new, enriching experiences.

A Canadian National train emerging from Place Ville Marie.
Canada Wide Photo, Place Ville Marie archives

The Place Ville Marie inauguration in Fall 1962. Festivities took place on the 41st floor with a breathtaking view of Montreal.
David Bier, Place Ville Marie archives

As the largest business complex in the world at the time it was built, Place Ville Marie has played a major role in defining Montreal as a bold and modern city.
VM94-A432-028, Ville de Montréal archives
“PVM is the heartbeat of Montreal. It’s a network of creators and visionaries that are shaping the future on a daily basis. We are proud of this transformative project that will provide a reinvented urban experience to our tenants, visitors and neighbours alike.”
Annik Desmarteau
Vice President, Office, Quebec, Ivanhoé Cambridge
A beacon for Montrealers

Did you know… that the rotating beacon found atop PVM takes 32 seconds to do a full rotation?
There have been many urban legends about it, including the popular one that it is an air traffic beacon. However, it is only a decorative beacon belonging to RBC that projects light 58 km away.
Unmatched connectivity

Did you know… that Place Ville Marie was built above a huge railway trench about 15 metres deep?
The CN tracks still run under the campus to this day.
Designed to make your life easier.

Did you know… that when it was inaugurated, PVM launched the first underground retail gallery?
A revolutionary concept, it sparked the development of the Underground City (Réso), which is now 33 km and the largest underground pedestrian network in the world.